Friday, December 23, 2011

Some great people!

After endless hours of walking and walking and walking the length of 90 million mile beach I was hot, tired, thirsty and really wanted a beer and someone to talk to. This was on day one!

Day two was the same, yet I went twice as far and perhaps it was even hotter. On day three, I got up early and kept a fast pace and had walked over 30km when whallah, my wish was answered. On the beach was a Land Rover stuffed with ice and beer and 4 of the coolest people I've ever met. James and Lisa in foreground and Bob and Elsa back.

I didn't believe them when they told me this little guy from the pound was bait for fishing, but sure enough....
....just kidding, which is exactly what they said after I started running down the beach with him in rescue mode!!
Upon returning the fluff ball, I stayed and hung out with them for a few very enjoyable hours before getting back on my feet and knocking off the last 12km of 90 mile beach which ends at a lovely town called Ahipara. Thank you for your hospitality and kindness when I needed it.

Bob knew the sea and exactly what the fish wanted to eat and where they would be.
This fish he landed in about 10 minutes but after hours of waiting for the tide to be just right.
Interesting enough that the next day, right as I was about to disappear into Herekino forest above Ahipara for 3 days in the bush, a car came around a corner and low and behold, it was James and Lisa!! Awesome.

Unfortunately, I missed taking photos of other great people when my Lumix camera broke. I'll be switching brands and hopefully will be able to avoid missing future pictures.

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