Ariki Mackey and wife Leah with kids Braxton, charleie and Maia |
At Ngunguru the Te Araroa trail poses a challenge. Get a boat ride across the inlet or get around the bay. When I came off the trail into Ngunguru there was a DoC restroom facilities being build and I started chatting with the two workers about their water proofing techniques. I became acquainted with Ari. He took me home where we barbecued and had showers and the next day he delivered me to my start point at Marsden Point, better know as the refinery.
Brothers Jack and Quinn with mother Jane holding Tai and gorgeous Ella behind. |
At Kaitaia on my way north to 90 mile beach, I caught a bus to Pukenui and was the only one on this odd little bus besides Jack. Jack introduced me to his mom who quickly got me in the car and took me to their home. They fed me and let me use the computer and we climbed trees and laughed and they put me up for the night. I gave each of the older boys one American dollar for university in the States which they both had their eye on. One dollar is not much but it sure made them happy.
Quinn and one American dollar. |
Special thanks to both families and all the other Kiwis who have contributed to dbBrad having such a great time on the Te Araroa trail.
Seperate showers that was.