I recently purchased a Panasonic Lumix with the Leica 10x lens and love it. I'm enjoying photography again for the first time since taking 3000 slides in Europe and not knowing what to do with them!
These photographs are of ponds frozen, bubbled, drained, frozen again and again over several cycles until the ice seemed to capture a network of bubbles, leaves, rocks and layers frozen in time.
Above: a rock and plants captured in the ice, macro. Right: concentric circles in plan view, puddle anywhere.
Here the bubbles are the same ones I pondered over this summer in the FrEdLey pond, wondering if fish, decaying leaves or some other biological process was the effects of a few bubbles
And the Best bubbles yet, compliments if John and Re-Assemblage. A process of finding, assembling and distributing, for a cause, recycled objects disguised as art.
Below: Fran and Ed of FredleyonWhidbey.blogspot.com are the proud foster parents of this piece.
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