I visited China for a number of reasons, but most important is the fact that in New Zealand I met a wonderful woman from China and she had invited me to visit.
Better than any dentist I've visited in the states. Excellent equipment, very clean, and very skilled people |
Also, my year of hiking was one continent and just a few weeks short of 12 months, 3 continents and 5000 miles. So when I decided to visit Yessi to have dental work done, we decided to take a trip to Nepal where we would hike the Annapurna Circuit.
View from my chair on 23 floor |
But the true instigator to it all was that I needed dental work done, after years of neglect and 11 months of questionable hygiene living on the trail and hiking all day, every day, my dental plan had a few holes in it. The costs Yessi provided me with were so incredible, I was able to purchase a round trip ticket, get all my dental work done and take a vacation for less than one root canal and crown done locally.
Dental Waiting Room |
As I edit this posting, over one year later, my teeth look and feel great. I still look back on my time in the dental chair with fondness as one of the best medical experiences I've ever had. The doctor studied in America and has good English, and several of his workers speak English too. The workers all specialize in one task, cavities, drilling, tooth removal, crown fitting, casting, cleaning, etc. That is all they do and while I feel that perhaps having a well rounded set of skills may make for more interesting career, I have never seen such young people wielding tools with such skill and confidence.
From elevator dentist day 2 |
For those interested, the Dentist is in Xiamen, south China Fujian province, along the coast, due West from Taiwan. It's an amazing city of 3.5 million, with 1.5 million living on the island proper.
Yao Dental Clinic Centre
Dr. George, DDS PhD
email- yaodental@yahoo.com
1 315 921 6330
姚森 博士/院长