These three newly built buildings make up a small (860 square feet of heated space) home. They are constructed of materials we found or located through Craigslist, ReStore, ReUse Consulting and classified ads. The first picture is of the building affectionately call the barn, which includes space that doubles as office/guest room, laundry and bath.
Of the next two buildings, one makes up the kitchen, living, dining and office nook, and the other, accessed by a bridge, is a bedroom, bath and library. All three buildings have recycled beams, posts, siding, flooring, rafters, bird blocks and even doors constructed with recycled wood. The heating system will rely on solar hot water, with a back up flash unit.
Note: The bridge caps are off the bridge. They were taken off for refinishing. We'd initially used a green preservative but it wasn't up to the task. In refinishing we needed to use a less environmentally green product but in the long run it will preserve the wood better and we will need to use it less often. Sometimes the current solution isn't perfect, but products are changing and improving daily so it's important to keep up-to date on the newest products.
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